A photograph of an article entitled Dlaczego Warszawa?
Why Warsaw?
Warsaw lies at the heart of Poland, and Poland at the heart of Europe. This is why our city is the perfect location not only for political and scientific conferences but also for business...
A photograph of an article entitled Warszawa – miasto pełne historii
Warsaw - Historical city
Warsaw’s history is both diverse and turbulent. Last century alone it went from Russian subjugation to being called the Paris of the North, before the utter destruction of World War II wh...
A photograph of an article entitled Warszawa  Chopina
Chopin’s Warsaw
Fryderyk Chopin is famed around the world as a composer and pianist. Not so many people know that Warsaw is the city of Chopin, and was a very special place for the composer. It...
A photograph of an article entitled Judaika
Warsaw’s Judaica
Warsaw has long had a strong connection with the Jewish world. Before World War II, over 30 per cent of Warsaw’s population was Jewish, leaving Warsaw with the second largest Jewish population...
A photograph of an article entitled Zielone miasto Warszawa
Green city Warsaw
Warsaw is a green and refreshing destination with its 346 leafy squares and 96 parks covering a quarter of the city. The largest and most impressive of these is the Royal Ł...
A photograph of an article entitled Transport publiczny w Warszawie
Getting around Warsaw
Warsaw boasts a quick, safe and efficient public transport system of metro, trams, buses, night buses and the system of urban bikes.The second line of Warsaw’s metro system opened in 2015 and conn...
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