Bartosz Kubik
CEO, Eko Energetyka
Bartosz Kubik
CEO, Eko Energetyka

Co-founder and CEO of Ekoenergetyka-Polska SA - a global technology company located in Poland, whose products are present in nearly 30 countries, including most European capitals. Expert and passionate about electromobility, visionary, mentor and award-winning new technology entrepreneur. While still a student in electrical engineering, he started developing charging systems for electric vehicles, and immediately after graduation he started building a technology company that is now the leading provider of charging systems for electric buses in Poland.As a shareholder in the company, he is involved in many innovative projects and activities. He is the co-creator of the company's development concept, under which Ekoenergetyka has created a Research and Development Centre for new technologies in electromobility. He focuses on creating technologies and products that will become the future of global everyday life.

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