Thomas Hahn
Chairman IMX, Siemens
Thomas Hahn
Chairman IMX, Siemens

Thomas Hahn is since 2011 Chief Expert Software at Siemens AG. After studying computer science at Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen he joined the company in 1986. Thomas Hahn had several responsibilities in the area of manufacturing such as Head of Software Development for Industrial Automation Systems. Beyond his activities at Siemens, Thomas Hahn is a member or board member of various bodies, including Openlab CERN and steering committee Plattform Industrie 4.0. He is vice-president OPC Foundation, Vice-Chairperson Gaia-X AISBL, chairman of Labs Network Industrie 4.0, Boardmember of the Bavarian “KI-Rat” and president Big Data Value Association.


Digital Future? - European industry at a crossroads (Green Production & International Manufacturing X)
  • 14:05 - 15:00
  • 55 min
  • Hotel Crowne Plaza Warsaw
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